What Actually Is Psychological Safety?
Psychological safety in the workplace depends on employees knowing what it is.
Do you feel psychologically safe? If you’re not sure what that really means… How about: do you feel confident your team will not embarrass, reject or punish you for speaking up at work?
The team here at Wellbeing Works talk a lot about psychological safety but it’s not a term many are familiar with. It is much more than being nice to one another in the workplace; it is about creating a safe place where people can give and accept candid feedback, openly admit mistakes and embrace opportunities to learn from one another. People need to be comfortable enough to be and to express themselves.
However, the responsibility for this does not lie solely with Leaders or Managers; employees at all levels must be proactive in creating a speak up culture. More than just a safe place is required for employees to speak up, employees need encouragement, openness and acceptance from both leaders and fellow employees can reinforce courage.
Poor mental health is currently a massive issue globally, there has never been a more important time to re-evaluate and prioritise mental wellbeing in the workplace. More and more employees are suffering with burnout, and absence due to mental health problems is reportedly costing UK businesses £8.4 billion a year. Although we have come quite far in recent years with regards to the stigma around mental health, there is still so more than can and needs to be done.
To gain more context and insight on this important conversation take a look at our Team Works tool. This tool measures and reports the psychological safety of Teams and with recommended interventions can improve productivity, motivation and efficiency!