10 Reasons Psychological Safety can benefit your organisation
- For many organisations 40%-45% of reported absence is attributable to psycho-social factors (e.g. worry, anxiety, stress and depression). Insightful organisations create an environment that takes positive action before these factors lead to absence.
- Current and potential employees also have increasing expectations of their jobs and workplaces. Generation Y in particular expect to be treated fairly. They want to be recognised for their ability, views and contributions. The adoption of a psychologically safe approach at work contributes to this climate.
- Employers who create Psychologically Safe places to work find it easier to attract and retain staff adding real value to your retention and recruitment plans.
- Creating Psychologically Safe work environments is one of the components of any proactive engagement strategy. Where staff feel valued and listened to they are more likely to engage with your organisation’s plans and values. They typically choose to ‘go the extra mile’.
- Having teams of staff willing to engage and go the extra mile, delivers higher productivity, enhanced performance and quality of products or services.
- In times of significant change, adaptability and sustainability become the expected norm. Creating environments that allow individuals to thrive, anticipate, recognise and adapt to change proactively is more likely to occur in a climate of value, support, dialogue and care.
- If your organisation faces change, would you prefer staff who are proactively supportive of the new world and able to cope with change? Or, alternatively, staff who are potentially suspicious or resistant to change due to fear or uncertainty?
- Psychological Safety creates the framework for sustainability to flourish.
- Employers already understand the business benefits of a physically safe workplace – be it reputationally, for productivity, legal or operational reasons. If your managers witnessed a physical risk their most likely reaction would be to take preventative action to avoid harm!
10. Psychological Safety is the mental health equivalent of the physically healthy workplace.

Wellbeing Works can help your organisation create a Psychologically Safe work environment. Contact us today to find out more.