About Team Works
Team Works is the innovative diagnostic reporting tool that measures and reports on Team Psychological Safety.
The Team Works tool was developed by Hamish Moore with the intention of providing organisations with detailed analytics of their Team’s level of Psychological Safety. The Team Works report offers an overall Thriving, Hiving and Surviving Score and a detailed commentary on the Team’s Psychological Safety data as well as a range of bespoke practical interventions to raise and improve the Psychological Safety level in the Team.
The process measures and analyses the fundamental components of Psychological Safety. These are the levels and factors that Drive the team, Threaten the team and Soothe or Calm the team.
All Team Works surveys are completely anonymously, thus resulting in a higher completion rate.
It takes employees no longer than 3 minutes to complete the Team Works survey.
Employees go to the survey through an easy to navigate link which is sent to them by their employer.
Team Works reports are simple and easy to set-up on the Team Works dashboard which can also act as a CRM system for Team Leader contact information.
It is easy to monitor how many team members have completed the survey so you can send a quick reminder if necessary.
Telephone support is offered to licence holders.
Features and Benefits
- Key focus is on the work environment and culture
- Independently Researched and independently Validated
- All survey answers are anonymous
- Complete the Team Works survey in less than 3 minutes
- Reports accessed at the touch of a button and can be viewed during the survey period
- Identifies practical recommendations for improvements
- Guaranteed return on investment with improved productivity levels (when recommended Interventions are implemented)
- Identify where training and development is needed in the organisation
- Identifies levels of Psychological Safety and Wellbeing Risks
- Prioritises actions for improvement
- Reduces absence levels
- Generates in effective teamwork
- Delivers improvements in customer service
- Predicts potential absence and leaver levels
- Reflects good Governance and Employer of Choice credibility
- Easy to re-run the survey in 3, 6 or 12 months to compare, monitor and measure improvements
- Recommendations are practical and easy to follow
Well-being Insight
A 5-year research project with Newcastle University developed 93 questions identifying the components of Thriving, Hiving and Surviving® at work.
The statistical validation of our original research was by Professor John Matthews, an eminent Medical Statistician.
Further validation of this research was provided by peer review (Vendrig and Schaafsma) in the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2018.